Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

Volume XXXXVI No.

We are very happy to be able to write this report with great victory in our hearts for the wonderful time of ministry and fellowship we had in Taiwan. We love the Chinese people and enjoy ministering to them. Our ministry was in Tainan, Hsinchu, and Taipei. We worked with the local Presbyterian, Baptist and Pentecostal churches.

It was good to work with John and Hyoncha Clark. They are our representatives and Associate Evangelists for Abundant Life Crusades and planned our itinerary in Taiwan. God moved in every service. It made me think of the early church in the second chapter of the Book of Acts. People received Christ, they were healed, filled with the Spirit and had their needs supplied . We were glad to work with some of the most influential ministers in Taiwan. Pastor and Mrs. Chen of the Presbyterian Church, Pastor Peter Huang of the Baptist Church and Pastor Peter Chew of the Pentecostal Church. All of these are Spirit filled and preach and move in the power of God.

Hundreds attend Worker’s Seminar in Taipei!

Tony Abram leads many Chinese to Christ
in the Hsinchu, Taiwan outreach

That is why we had souls saved, healed and delivered in all the meetings. The power of God fell and people by the score would go down under the power of God. Our Worker’s Seminar had over 500 workers attending. My teaching was along the lines of Evangelism and that God wanted to use the whole church to evangelize the world. I also challenged them to go to Mainland China with the Gospel as well. During the seminar we had the joy of an Ordination Service. It was a very special time as the couple we ordained were already working in China and God has been blessing them. I am not including their names as we wish that those in China will not hinder or persecute them.

We need to keep their name anonymous.  Let us pray for China, They are now a super power with over a billion people, We need to evangelize them now.

God bless you and yours. We love you.

Your Missionary Evangelists, Tony & Marge.,

Matt 28: 19 “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, …………….”

God’s Spirit falls as many come to receive from the Lord!

Great response as many come to Christ!

left: Pastor Huang interprets Tony Abram.
right: Tony wears out the interpreters.

Tony Abram lays hands on the people as they line up,
Brother Clark assists Tony praying.

Marge holds Chinese baby.

Marge shares her testimony with Pastor Peter.

Marge quotes the words to her song

Marge shares with Brother Peter Chai.

Tony teaches hundreds of Chinese Workers!

Pastor and Sister Chen with the Abrams and Clarks.

Tony Abram prays for these precious Chinese
coming to our Living Lord!

Tony with translator teaching workers.

The Crusade Hall is filled with people to hear the Word!


Winning the Chinese to the Living Saviour!

Tony gives certificate

left: Coming to Christ!
right: Tony has a word from the Lord!

Tony lays hands for ordination

Power fell on hundreds!

Taipei. Taiwan Crusade Team!

It is with sad news that John's dad, David, passed away this past August .  He and his family have been our friends since 1978, when a wonderful relationship began in friendship and ministry with them, their family and church. He went out for a. walk, fell backward on the concrete and passed away shortly after in the hospital. His son and wife, Missionaries John and Hyoncha have been representatives and Associate Evangelists for Abundant Life Crusades in Taiwan, Hong Kong, China and Southeast Asia.   John and Hyoncha are from Seattle and have spent the past 20 years of their lives as missionaries in the country of Taiwan and Asia. David Clark and his dear wife Irene have been with us in many countries. You may remember him as ‘God’s Dentist.’ We miss him very much. His reward in heaven, we believe is great. He now walks with Jesus!

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